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Breastfeeding is a unique journey for every mom and baby—and let’s be real, it’s hard. One of the most common questions moms ask is: Am I making enough milk? If you’ve ever felt that way, you’re not alone.
To get the best advice, we sat down with Dina Shanowitz, mom of four and founder ofZomee, to talk about how your breast pump can help you boost and maintain your milk supply. Let’s dive into all the tips! 💜
How Can I Tell If I’m Making Enough Milk?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the most reliable indicator that you’re making enough milk is simple: your baby is growing on their growth curve. If your baby is gaining weight and thriving, your supply is likely just fine.
When You Feel Like Your Supply Is Low 🍼
Even if your baby is growing well, it’s normal to question your supply. Here are some reasons you might feel like something’s off:
You’re busier and might skip pumps or shorten feeds.
Your baby sleeps longer stretches at night, so you’re not emptying your breasts as often.
You’re using your freezer stash for daycare bottles.
Your breasts don’t feel “full” like they used to.
You’re skipping meals, drinking less water, or exercising more.
You’re bombarded with ads for “milk boosters” that aren’t scientifically proven.
All of these factors are common, but they can mess with your confidence. So let’s talk about how to keep your supply strong with your breast pump!
Use Your Pump to Signal More Milk Production
Breastfeeding works like a supply-and-demand system—the more your baby (or pump) tells your body that milk is needed, the more your body will produce. Here’s how to use your pump effectively to keep the milk flowing.
Pump after feeding your baby A quick 5–10 minute pump after a feed can help signal your body to make more milk. Even if nothing comes out, you’re placing an “order” for more milk tomorrow.
Pump once at night If your baby is sleeping through the night, consider adding one pump session. Keep your pump close to your bed to make it easy—pump after you use the bathroom and stash the milk in the fridge.
Pump after your morning feed If you can only pump once a day, mornings are a great time. Your supply is usually higher in the morning after a full night’s rest.
Make Your Pump Sessions More Efficient ⚙️
Replace your pump parts regularly Duck valves, membranes, and tubing wear out over time, and this impacts how well your pump works. Replace parts every 1–3 months (depending on usage) to keep things running smoothly.
Find a great pumping bra A snug, comfortable pumping bra helps create a strong seal and lets you pump hands-free. Zomee’s nursing and pumping bra is super soft, holds wearables in place, and makes pumping easier.
Adjust suction and cycle settings for your body
Start in massage/stimulation mode for 2–3 minutes to trigger letdown.
Switch to expression mode (slower, stronger suction) once milk starts flowing.
Use the highest suction level that’s still comfortable for you.
If milk stops flowing, switch back to massage mode to try for another letdown.
Check your flange fit regularly The right fit makes all the difference. If your nipple hits the sides of the flange or too much areola is being pulled in, it’s time to remeasure. Your body can change as you and your baby find your feeding rhythm.
Flange fit guide, by Zomee
Bring Your Best Self to Pumping 🧘♀️
Pumping works best when you’re relaxed and not stressed. Try these tips to make the most of your pump sessions:
Look at pictures or videos of your baby—they can help trigger letdown.
Protect your pumping time by building it into your routine. Treat it as a must-do, just like feeding your baby.
Make pumping enjoyable! Listen to a podcast, watch your favorite show, or read a book while you pump. Turning it into “me time” can make the experience feel less like a chore.
Why a Breast Pump Is Your Best Friend for Milk Supply 💜
Your breast pump isn’t just a tool—it’s your partner in keeping that supply strong. Whether you’re trying to boost production, maintain it for daycare bottles, or build a freezer stash, a good pump (and the right techniques) can make all the difference.
With tips from Dina Shanowitz and the team at Zomee, you’ve got everything you need to make the most of every pumping session.
Breastfeeding may not always feel easy, but tools like your breast pump can help you keep up with your baby’s needs. Pump strategically, protect your pumping time, and don’t forget to relax and enjoy those moments for yourself.
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